How it all started

I've always grown up around pets; cat, dogs, hamsters, fish you name it! so I have always been really passionate about animals and their welfare. I grew up with a cat and went on to adopt my own two (Apollo and Twilight) in 2019. My initial plan was to become a vet or a vet nurse and so I started working in a vets in 2019. I worked out quite soon after spending more time on the reception floor than behind the computer that as much as I love being in a vets my main passion and focus was to be able to guide owners on how to train and raise their dogs into well rounded companions by providing the training and knowledge needed to do this.
I started Dog walking back in 2019 after I was told about a site called Borrow my doggy. I met a range of dogs with different personalities, size and breed. Along the way I made good friends with a couple of the owners and their dogs. I got really interested in walking the dogs that had behavioural issues or weren't as well trained as the owners would like and speaking to them about how their trainers or behaviourists were helping them to work through it.
I started looking into different courses and qualifications needed to become a trainer and behaviourist and in 2020 I started my Level 4 advanced diploma in Canine Behaviour online with the British College of Canine Studies which I finished in January 2022. Along the way I also found out about the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) and the courses they offered. After doing some practical's and a theory I took and passed my assessment to become an accredited IMDT trainer in December 2021. From here I started taking their Accredited Level 5 Canine Behaviour correspondence course with the plan to become a fully registered trainer and behaviourist as well studying with the Dog Training College. I am also canine first aid trained with the Centre of Excellence.